Life Strategies and Skills

A first of its type program

for enlightened professionals and senior business executives

evolving life strategies for highest attainable  career  success, for living  joyfully and
 yet purposefully, to achieve sense of personal fulfillment and unique identity in society

The art, science and philosophy of living, employing methodologies and practices of behavioural sciences, health sciences and select ancient wisdom compatible with current scientific knowledge, in following areas:


1. Life goals and professional success

You will develop your career ‘vision’, synthesizing your life / personal goals with career goals, enabling you to achieve self-actualization through career pursuit. No choosing between success and happiness. Your highest success and happiness would go together, riding on your identified inherent strivings and innate strengths.

2. Health and energy: a new perspective

A new ‘holistic’ approach for uplifting your physical, emotional or psychological functioning, for both success and happiness. Maximum results through simple practices, covering few physical exercises (yogic and modern), a new, simple and effective approach to nutrition, psychological or mind over body approaches to good health, positive emotional states, and work improvement

3. Social relations, sex, family and adjustment

Role and importance of social relations, sex, family and marriage in your life (your life goals and identity). Identifying your social image, not getting misunderstood, workshop for developing your social skills for enriching life. Family attachments/ detachments, psychology of marital adjustment and success, managing demands of family/children, career, external relations.

4. Living Meaningfully: strategy and philosophy

Philosophical, scientific, psychological interpretations of life events, of human desires, of success and failure vs. happiness and ‘realities’. Taking important decisions: understanding their emotional and rational basis. Developing your unique, ‘personalised’ philosophy and strategy for achieving personal fulfillment, full potential and unique identity.

For whom?

For erudite and enlightened executives / entrepreneurs / professionals, who have the will to take charge of life, and achieve the stated objectives of the program:  evolve strategies for achieving highest potential, joyful living, and unique self-identity in society

Contacts: Cell : 98707 19100 Land:022-22845725  Postal:86, Maker Arcade, Cuff Parade, Mumbai - 400 005.

Over 30 years consulting (starting as IIM-A faculty) with top MNCs, Indian COs, Centre & State Govts.

Leadership At Top | Leadership at Sr./ Middle Levels | Entrepreneurial / Corporate Vision | Family Business Management
Assessment for CEO/CEO Leadership | Assessing Managerial Potential | Corporate strategy | Building brand leaders | Life strategies

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